Экс-президент Монголии и президент Всемирного Конгресса Монголов Ц. Элбэкдорж обратился ко всем монголам мира с речью в связи с тяжёлой гуманитарной ситуацией в монгольских регионах России – Республике Бурятия, Республике Тыва и Республике Калмыкия из-за тотальной и непропорциональной мобилизации представителей национальных меньшинств для отправки на войну в Украине.

Далее приводим часть обращения на английском, относящуюся к монголоязычным народам в России.

Greetings, friends.

I am appealing to you, who are coming to Mongolia from the neighboring Russia.

First of all, I would like to assure you that we want to help you. We want to advance together with you; and together, we want to make everything we can, to achieve greater cooperation, prosperity, and peace.

The Mongols who live in Russia and other parts of the world are a unique and invaluable asset for us. And in this context, free and sovereign Mongolia is unique and priceless for us.

Those who come from Russia, please do respect our people, our laws, our culture, and traditions. Those who offend the law, demonstrate rudeness and disrespect, will of course, be held accountable, however, for many of those in need this will entail serious consequences.

If someone hits another man, this means he is hitting thousands of his own men. We all know that there exist evil forces against us. They will try to crush us and resist with all what it takes them to prevent us from helping each other, to suffocate our freedom, and impede our aspirations to live together. They will try to plant the seeds of animosity among us, not friendship. There should be no place sabotage in Mongolia.

The best weapon against evil forces – is transparency, is disclosure, openness. Use your voices, your smartphones, and all your other available means against those dark and disguised forces, which may obstruct our kind, humane intentions. Be vigilant. Respect your dignity, our common dignity.

There is an established social term “diaspora”. There is a Russian diaspora, Chinese diaspora, Mongolian diaspora, etc. Every country has a specific policy toward its nationalities and ethnicities.

The Mongolian diaspora has one distinctive feature. There are more than 10 million Mongols living in the entire world, twice as many as the Mongols living in Mongolia. This singular feature differs Mongolia from any other country. This is Mongolia’s singular, immense and unparalleled treasure.

We want to be the motherland for all the Mongols of the world. Every Mongol is a motherland to another Mongol. We must respect, care for and love each other. We know it is the ethnic minorities who have suffered and are suffering the most from the Putin’s war. We in Mongolia do feel your love, and at the same time, your pain, losses, and aspirations as well.

Mongolia is a peace-loving, civil, and open society. We are profoundly proud of our culture, great history, and rich traditions. We want, just like any other nation in the world, to live in peace and freedom, helping and supporting each other.

We sincerely respect the fundamental interests of our citizens, and this will not deter our common interest – to befriend. Any act of yours, your every step will build legacies and have consequences, and must not cause pain and trauma for others. And it depends entirely on our ourselves, what footprint we leave behind.

Freedom of speech and pluralism of opinions are the indispensable values of the Mongolian society. Mongolians actively engage in open discussions on every current topic or problem. The waves of people, flowing from Russia to us is also being openly discussed at all social platforms. I think, soon official and unofficial bodies and representatives of all groups of our society would join these discussions. I am confident that we will find a common language and agreeable solution.

Meeting with each other, living together, working hand in hand, we build and promote mutual understanding. As we, Mongols, say:” Friends are tested in need, and horses – in ride”. So let us help each other and overcome the difficulties and challenges together. Then, we will better understand each other. I hope the Mongols of the world will demonstrate the finest qualities during these trying times. I am sure, there are many, just very many sunny days ahead of us.

Do come to Mongolia.

Do respect each other.

Thank you for your sincerity and understanding.